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                                                                          Elevenwire interview 27/06/24

MM: Can you tell us about your Band and whos your biggest influences
Elevenwire is a progressive rock band formed by myself and my brother Ron,
along with our long-time friend and collaborator, Jim Armstrong. Our first album,
Blood Red Sun, is a unique mixture of prog rock sonic soundscapes and epic
storytelling. Featuring Eric Gillette (Neal Morse Band, Temic, etc.) on drums!
Mixed and mastered at EKG studios (Eric Gillette's studio) in Tulsa, OK
For me, my biggest influences are Kansas, Genesis, Yes, Spock’s Beard, Neal
Morse on the prog rock side but also artists like Bryan Adams, Don Henley, Stevie
Wonder, Boston, Journey are a big influence. For the whole band, there are other
bands in there as well like Van Halen, Rush, etc. Ron and Jim definitely steer us
toward the hard rock side, where I steer us to the prog side.


MM: Where do you draw your inspirations and ideas from
I’ve found that ideas can come from many sources....books, TV, movies, etc. but
also, I think, just observing things around me. I’m fascinated by the way humans
behave and tend to write on that topic. Musically, I’m inspired quite a bit by the
classical composers. I love the idea of creating music that tells a story and that
evokes emotion.


MM: What would you say is your Bands favourite song ?
Probably depends on the day. If you’re asking about our favorite song on our
album, for me, it’s probably either “Zero One” or “Paradigm”. I just really like how
those turned out. Favorite overall song for me is probably, “Song For America” by
Kansas. Just a brilliant piece of songwriting by my musical hero, Kerry Livgren.
MM: Plans tour and festival wise for 2023
As of now, we’re only a studio project but we have been exploring the idea of
doing a selection of shows. I think it depends on the demand and whether it works
out logistically. But playing live is definitely the ultimate goal.


MM: What can we expect from (Band Name) live
Again, still figuring that part out but we’re working on putting a live band together
and have some opportunities in Santa Cruz, California where we are from. Ron
and Jim now live in Reno, Nevada, so we may try to play some shows there as


MM: What do you like best and worst abt touring
I think one of the best feelings in the world is playing music that you’ve written to a
live audience. To me, sharing with people what you’ve been working on for a
period of time in a live setting is amazing. You get to witness them hearing your
stuff for the first time. It’s fun to see their reactions.


MM: Which three Bands would be your ultimate touring buddies
That’s a great question! We’ve been really appreciative of the progressive rock
community and how different bands support each other. Of course, it would be

awesome to tour with some of our label mates from OOB Records: Ton
Sherpenzeel, The Boxx Orchestra, Peter Swart, Argus, Glorious Wolf, Residuous
Mentales, Venus Loon, etc. but also touring with our buddy Eric Gillette and Temic
would be a blast! Spock’s Beard is from California, so it would be amazing to
open for them at some point. Also, some of the other bands that have supported
us like Emerald City Council and Advent Horizon.


MM: What's the most memorable concert you've been to (other than your own)
and why
That’s a tough one. The first ones that come to mind for me is when I saw Peter
Gabriel with the New Blood Orchestra. Hearing all of his songs with a full
orchestra was an amazing experience...not to mention, an amazing venue at the
Berkeley Greek Theater. Another one would be seeing Rush not long before Neil
Peart passed away. It was obviously something that will never happen again and
it was amazing to witness.


MM: What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment so far with
I’m not sure that anyone really accomplishes anything completely on their own.
My wife and kids have always really supported my musical endeavors, and I’m so
grateful for that. Music has always been a part time thing for me, so I think signing
to a record label like OOB Records feels like a big accomplishment. Also, just
releasing, “Blood Red Sun” was a huge accomplishment because he many
hurdles to completing it and finally releasing it.


MM: Which are your Two favourite Albums of all time
Another tough question! I would probably say, “Masque” by Kansas and
“Similitude of a Dream” by The Neal Morse Band


MM: Can you remember the first time you ever played live and how it felt to have
people watching you?
I grew in a very musical family that was almost always singing and playing in
church. So, I don’t really remember not doing that in front of people. Even though
I’ve always been very shy, the stage isn’t a place where I get nervous for some
reason. Sometimes it can be intimidating, especially with Prog or Metal fans who
pay attention to every note.


MM: Growing up which Bands posters did you have on your bedroom wall.
I’ve mentioned Kansas a lot, but I definitely had a lot of their merch. I was also
really into bands like The Police and Van Halen when I was young but didn’t
necessarily have posters of them on my wall. Although, a David Lee Roth poster
would have been a nice addition, I’m sure!


MM - Who do you think influenced the world of Metal / Rock more than any other
I think the way most modern music is today was shaped by The Beatles in some
way. I think tunes like, “Helter Skelter” probably was a gateway to what Metal and

Rock became. Obviously, bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Deep
Purple took it from there and made it heavier. If we’re talking Metal, I think the
ultimate lead vocalist for that genre was Ronny James Dio. Pretty much can’t beat
that voice!


MM - What's the most important thing to the band right now?
Right now, we’re just doing what we can to get our music out there. Interviews like
this are helpful.....and the more people like and subscribe, the better. Also, we’re
currently writing for the second album but still figuring out the timeline for that.


MM:If you could do a cover of any song which one would it be and why?
I have a lot of ideas for cover songs but the first one that comes to mind for me
would be, “Smokin’” by Boston

MM: Tell us why we should buy and listen to your Band
I think we’re really good! Seriously though, the band is unique in that all three of
us are songwriters that have different musical backgrounds. It creates a really
cool mix of progressive and hard rock that I think a lot of people would resonate
with. I know it pumps me up when I listen to it!


MM: Four words to describe Elevenwire
One greater than ten


Final Words for your fans and our readers

We’re just really thankful for all of the amazing support. It’s crazy to think of
building a fanbase as a band that is brand new that no one has heard of and not
be touring all the time. The fact that anyone has been interested in our music and
then signing a record deal has been a dream come true. It’s been really cool to
hear from people all over the world that they’ve been enjoying our music.

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